Teaching is an Art not a Science
When you are writing about yourself there is a danger you will appear self-indulgent, or as Iwas accused by one of my lecturers whilst studying at Art College: ”disappearing up my owna*se’’, so keeping that in mind, here we go…
Children are Natural Learners
‘Everyone has to get good at one of two things: planting in the spring or begging in the fall.’
Jim Rohm
Progress Matters
There have been countless initiatives over the last 10 years to raise attainment, but the impact of these has been patchy to say the least. One of these initiatives means all schools in England should have committed to “The Academisation Programme” by 2022.
I have a confession to make
Part of my introduction process is to tell the class a story about myself, I believe it is important for me to be 100% transparent when I am in front of a class and my integrity is paramount as is my ability to be open and honest.
Mental Health Awareness
if you are a young male you are three times more likely to commit suicide than a female. Although females attempt suicide more often than males it is the males that are in one of the better word more ‘successful’ at it and therefore take their own life in greater numbers. In 2019 the rate of male deaths was 16.9 per 100,000 the highest since 2000.
Progress Matter Part Deux
A-level grades are lower because of the need to counteract the TAGs and sharp rise in top grades over the past two years.
Bonhomie of a Game Show Host - Why Style Matters
Style of Leadership is something that I had never considered before I became a teacher, however it is one of the first exercises that you undertake as part of the National Qualification for Senior Leaders or any study in Education Management. Leadership as a concept is interdependently integral to the success of an organisation.
Research Methodologies
Using the correct research methods can help you obtain reliable results or produce dangerously misleading information. Too often in education the decision making is not based on sound research or data, most people in authority lack a good understanding of how to interpret data and therefore lack the understanding and the ability to apply rigorous research methods.